Price list for the paid services

Price list for the paid services

Overview of our services


Individual service 65€/h

Group counselling 35€/h

Assessment of a person’s motor performance and activity centre (kindergarten, school, home, work, leisure, public space) and recommending (if possible) adaptations to the activity environment. Design and implementation of individual physoptherapeutic programs that develop, restore, promote and/or maintain movement performance and self-sufficiency (do not include passive activities) and evaluation of activity performance in cooperation with the person. Assessing the need for assistive devices, recommending and teaching how to use a suitable tool, if possible in the person’s operating environment. Advising a person and his/her network members, including teaching ergonomic assistance techniques to members of a close network to assist the person in their environment.

Occupational therapist

Individual service 65€/h

Group counselling 35€/h

Teaching, supplementing and maintaining the skills necessary in everyday life in a person’s operating environment (kindergarten, school, home, work, leisure, public space). Assessing the need for assistive devices, recommending and teaching how to use a suitable tool, if possible in the person’s operating environment. Advising the person and his/hers network members on environmental adjustments.

Creative therapist

Individual service 65€/h

Group counselling 35€/h

Application of creative and art-based methods and techniques for the development of the ability to act on the basis of a person’s state of health at the psychotherapeutic, functional and recreation level. Consultation of a person and his network members for the implementation of creative activities in the person’s operating environment.

Social worker

Individual service 65€/h

Group counselling 35€/h

Counselling (information, guidance, enforcement, motivation) and coordination of services to prevent and solve social problems in order to support/facilitate the person’s future functioning, ability to act and participate. Objectives. Activation of the person’s close network, mediation of community resources, consultation of public service providers and other members of the formal network (employers, educators, case managers of the Unemployment Insurance Fund) in order to support the person in achieving the goals of rehabilitation.

Speech therapist

Individual service 65€/h

Group counselling 35€/h

Development of pre-speech communication. Development or restoration of verbal (oral, written) and/or alternative communication. Assessing the need for assistive devices, recommending and teaching how to use a suitable tool. Advising a person and/or their network members on the design of an environment that supports the development or restoration of communication skills. Counseling in case of problems with swallowing disorder.

Special pedagogue

Individual service 65€/h

Group counselling 35€/h

Development of cognitive, communication, social, learning and other skills using special pedagogic techniques. Special pedagogic counselling of network members, including in the person’s operating environment (kindergarten, school, home, work, public space). Orienteering and movement training (incl. using a white stick, teaching routes, etc.), teaching Braille, teaching daily activities, teaching and developing communication skills, and assessing and teaching the use of assistive devices, if necessary with the participation of network members. When identifying the need for auxiliary equipment, if there is no right to prescribe an auxiliary tool, recommending the necessary specialist.


Individual service 65€/h

Group counselling 35€/h

Advising a person to prevent and solve problems arising from the health situation, personality and relationships. Assessment of a person’s psychological problems, condition and ability to act. Development of a person’s potential and readiness for age-appropriate activities, work, study and independent living. Advising and motivating network members to support the person in achieving the goals of rehabilitation.

Alcoholism counseling

Individual service 65€/h

Group counselling 35€/h

The purpose of addiction counselling is to support and advise a person, increase motivation and self-confidence. The initial consultation introduces addictions in general, explains the nature of alcohol addiction, and also explains how we can effectively support a person in the process of getting rid of his addiction. Discreet and humane communication is ensured, a path that helps them overcome shame and guilt. The following consultation is agreed upon, in the framework of which a thorough assessment of the addictive disorder will be carried out, which will help to clarify the level of alcohol dependence, identify co-dependence and other ailments. Drawing up an intervention plan for each person based on his or her needs. Based on the results of the assessment, goals are set that, depending on the person, serve either to change the situation that has developed or to keep the situation stable. The task of the adviser is to help the person find the most suitable options for achieving the set goals based on the needs of the person, i.e. to prepare a suitable service package for each person. In the course of the intervention, the person is linked to suitable services – the search for services that meet the needs of the person, bringing the person and the service provider together, adapting the service to the needs of a particular person.

Experience counsellor

Individual service 60€/h


Counselling by a person with a similar disability, health situation, experience or special needs who has received the appropriate training. Exchange of knowledge and experience and provision of emotional, social and/or practical support


Individual service 60€/h

Group counselling 35€/h

Informing about health and self-care, counselling, assessing disease awareness, teaching how to cope with illness and symptoms, managing risk behaviour, advising a person’s close network in the presence / permission of a person or their representative to cope with and support health problems. Advising rehabilitation specialists on the implementation of selected measures and interventions (identification of suitable and unsuitable ones, based on the health situation). Advising and motivating network members to support the person in achieving the goals of rehabilitation. Assessing the need for assistive devices, recommending and teaching how to use a suitable tool. The service does not include sending for additional examinations, performing medical procedures or issuing a prescription.

Personal counselling by doctor

Individual service 100€/h

Evaluation of persons health condition and counselling according to healt condition during the rehabilitation process. Counselling of the rehabaitation specialist about chosen methods and interventions (based on healt condition determining suitable and snot suitable methods). Consulting network members ( incl. the family) to support the person by achieve the goals of rehabilitation ( doctor is consulting the person and the network members about the persons healt situation during the rehabilitation process including the results of rehabilitation and it’s influence to the health). Evaluation aof the need for aid, suggestions or proper aid and training of use.  The service doesn’t include the medical treatment plan, diagnosis, treatment procedures, prescriptions, specialists or additional analysis.