What we do?

We have long-term experience in implementing projects for people in need of social support services. We offer the service to young people, families and middle-aged people. We want to promote social responsibility and involve the community in our activities.

About us

Marena Tugikeskus OÜ on loodud 01.09.2020 aastal eesmärgiga pakkuda kogukonnale erinevaid sotsiaalhoolekande alaseid tugiteenuseid. Teenuste osutamisel lähtume inimese vajadusest, erinevaid tugiteenuseid omavahel sobitades ja sidudes, saades sobivaima paketi. Pakume tuge ja teadmist kliendi võrgustikule, et neil oleks kliendiga kergem tegeleda..

Marena Tugikeskus OÜ was established on 01.09.2020 with the aim of providing various social welfare support services to the community. When providing services, we proceed from the needs of a person, matching and linking different support services to receive the most suitable package. We provide support and knowledge to the persons social network to make it easier for them to deal with the situation.

Our employees are valued specialists in their field.

MRT on registreeritud luba nr 20221208-583640 tegevusalal- Rehabilitatsiooniteenus Marena Tugikeskus OÜ SRT leping 30.12.2022 nr 5.2.-9/3104-1